Subscription-based pricing for superior flexibility.

Starter Package

​ ​$1,000
one-time payment

Creation of your First Report
Presentation of your First Report
First Month of the Analytics Subscription

The Starter Package makes your first steps into data analytics easy.

With its purchase, we'll begin working with you to create your first report.
Once it's made, we'll present your report's features and any data insights we've discovered.

Your first report will be accessible online for the first month,
after which the Analytics Subscription allows you to retain access.

Analytics Subscription 

​​$1,000 / month

 Access to Reports
Maintenance of Reports
Aesthetic Modification of Reports

Online access to all of your reports anytime, anywhere. If something goes wrong, we'll fix it. 

New Report

$750 / report 

​​​​​• Creation of a New Report
​​​​ Old Data or New
​​​​• Custom Layout

Creation of a new report including
up to five charts.

Data connections and report layout are based on your business needs.

In-Person Presentation

$500 / presentation

​​​​• Presented by a Data Analyst
Time for Questions Provided
60 Minutes or Less

An in-person, up to 60 minute presentation of a completed report.

Ideal for understanding the nuances of the data, or familiarizing new report users with its features.